Wednesday, August 26, 2009

BOLO Branching Out

Bolo continues its process of growth and expansion.
Looking back at our initial pictures, we recognize that we have
come a very long way since then. We have honed in on our goals
of improving consistency, as well as we have improved our relation
with our cameras, making for a visible increase in the quality of
our base images, that obviously pave the way for stunning
final images.

We would like to continue thanking our supporters, and everyone
who has taken part in any BOLO activity. We are gearing on, and
according to our predictions, there should be major announcements
tomorrow (26/8/09) about our direction, ideas and a few other things.

until then... massa massa MASSA MASSA BOLO!!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Some Potos from guerra dos Sexos

Gerra dos Sexos

This photo shoot took place on the 21st of June '09 of course. We've mentioned tsome details a few posts ago.

We finally got the male factor "in the picture". We believe there isn't much to be said about the pics as we believe they speak for themselves. And as always big THANK YOU to the lovely and cool models who as always deliver, and a very special THANK YOU to Mr. João Leão, Maisa Chaves and Daisy Mogne. Your hands undoubtfully enhanced our perfomance.

Thank you for tuning in to another phatening session,
and don't forget Massa Massa Massa Massa ...
BOLO !!!

... More pics will be posted